We´re aware of these former dates and how many of you are changing iron for laser, and Crusades for Star Wars. Without any devaluation of “Star wars” (from me to you, there are many Jedis hidden around), we leave you the Swedish movie “Arn, the Templar Knight”, that we recommend to have a look at since it is a prominent review of the same-name novel, part of the Crusades Trilogy by Jan Guillou, on Templar Knights, their myth and reality.



Arn, el caballero templario

Released in 2007, in the cast we can find some familiar faces of the Scandinavian cinema of the last decades, like Stellan Skarsgard («The good Will Hunting”, “Mamma mia”, “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Thor”, “The avengers”) although for the most movie fans it´s fair to remember his work in dogma movement with the Danish director Lars von Trier with titles like “Breaking the waves”, “Dogville” or “Melancholia”. Other members of the cast are the Swedish actress Bibi Andersson (who became very famous in the 50´s with Ingmar Bergman in the movies “Wild strawberries” and “The seventh seal”) and the French actor Vincent Perez.

Stellan Skarsgard en Arn, el caballero templario

 Stellan Skarsgard

La actriz sueca Bibi Andersson, en El séptimo sello

Bibi Andersson, with Max von Sydow,in «The seventh seal»

The movie “Arn, the Templar Knight” tells Arn Margusson´s story, who was born in 1150 in Western Sweden and who, after growing up, became a extremely cultivated young and a bright swordsman. After falling in love with the beautiful Cecilia, they were forced to split up, so she joined a convent and he got in the Templar Knights order to travel to Holy ground where he fought against Muslims.

We hope you enjoy it and that, after leaving the «home theater», make a visit to our Medieval Swords area, to find Templar wonders like this one.

Espada templaria de pomo estriado en nuestra tienda de http://espadasdetoledo.com


 To see the movie, click on Arn, the Templar knight. Movie


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